Redneck Diction Reference
BARD - verb. Past tense of the infinitive "to borrow."
Usage: "My brother bard my pickup truck."
JAWJUH - noun. A highly flammable state just north of Florida.
Usage: "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck."
MUNTS - noun. A calendar division.
Usage: "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck, and I aint herd from him in munts."
IGNERT - adjective. Not smart. (See Texas Alumni)
Usage: "Them N-C-TWO-A boys sure are ignert!"
RANCH - noun. A tool.
Usage: "I think I left my ranch in the back of that pickup truck my brother from Jawjuh bard a few munts ago."
ALL - noun. A petroleum-based lubricant.
Usage: "I sure hope my brother from Jawjuh puts all in my pickup truck."
RETARD - Verb. To stop working.
Usage: "My granpaw retard at age 65."
JU-HERE - a question.
Usage: "Juhere 'bout Elvis bein' at the Falcon game?"
HAZE - a contraction.
Usage: "Is Bubba smart?" "Nah ... haze ignert."
SEED - verb, past tense.
VIEW - contraction: verb & pronoun.
Usage: "I ain't never seed New York City ... view?"
MARKINS - Noun. Citizens of the United States.
Usage: "My fellow Markins..."
FAR - noun. A conflagration.
Usage: "If my brother from Jawjuh doesn't change the all in my pickup truck, that thing's gonna catch far."
BAHS - noun. A supervisor.
Usage: "If you don't stop reading these Redneck words and git back to work, your bahs is gonna far you!"